Monday, February 16, 2009

JuSt AnOtHeR cRaZy MoNdAy!!!

Well, here we go again! Waking up as Ronie heads out the door for Montana! I hate when my best friend is gone! (However, you keep working honey! I completely appreciate how hard you work for us!!) It makes the world seem so very lonely and not as much of a fun place as it was the day before! Thank goodness we have our children so I can see the little things they do that remind me so much of him. Our little friends that make our lives crazy, wonderful and full of joy!! Isn't it amazing that family can make your life seem so complete?!?! So, as they are running through the house in need of my attention, I am sitting here coughing and sneezing, (Oh yes, I have the cold the kids shared with me!), probably feeling a little sorry for myself (Sorry Mom, I haven't figured out how not to, yet!!) I found this song on someone else's blog. It seemed perfect on a day like today! So babe, if you reading this, I love you! Hurry home! We are anxiously awaiting!!!! For everyone else, I hope you enjoy listening to a really good song! (You might want to pause our playlist at the bottom, so you can you hear the song.) Enjoy!! I sure did!

1 comment:

J and Ris said...

Loved the song! I'm sorry that you don't have your best friend all week long with you! I like your background!