Friday, June 10, 2011

I Love You This Much Because.... are a volunteer on your birthday, doing a thankless job that will help so many people you will never can light up the room when you choose to really like to can laugh at the Hill of Doom and know we will attack it together again someday are a perfectly amazing reader and enjoy getting lost in books. I do are ridiculously cute and love school and all of the simple things of school like a perfect pencil with a brand new eraser and a perfectly sharpened miss your Daddy and love him as much as I draw on anything available, the dog's collar, the walls and every scrap of paper we have left in our understand the importance of family and how precious time with them can really do care about others and you hurt when they love your brother and appreciate the importance of the life long friend you have in ALWAYS come and give me a kiss goodnight and promise to meet me at the beach we so dearly laugh at my silly Japanese and help me learn always remember to say I love you and sometimes do it love all of us, no matter what we say or where we drag you, You love us back!
I just heart you Biz and always will. Ten years ago we were blessed to meet you and welcome you into our little family. Thank you for being the girl that you are and being the extra special, girlie, part of us. I love you forever baby girl, all the way to the moon and back down again 500 million times.

HaPpY bIrThDaY!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Our Little Man is now considered to be in the 7th grade. (Yes, I know that school just got out but this is what happens in our world now. There is no waiting. They rush them into one grade and then POOF....done with that, you have now reached a new level, move on please. Don't blink!) This also means, in our Nazarene world, Youth Group!! Are you kidding me? Wasn't he just born like yesterday or possibly last week? YIKES! (I am feeling quite old and a little nostalgic about all things past....sniff, sniff.) Last week, I was a big girl and Mommy of the Year, if I do say so myself, and headed to the "official" parent meeting. No kids allowed, just adults to fill us in on what the youth group is and what will take place to encourage our Little Man to be an active part in our church. And so this is how it begins.... (For those of you like me in the dark and wishing the event of your little baby, the one that relied on you for all things, turning into that dreaded teenager and being accepted into the youth group.) 1. Your son (or daughter if this is informational to you) will receive postcards from various kids introducing themselves and telling how excited they are for your child to be coming up into the youth group. *Check, so far, so good. I can handle this. Great idea! Kuddos to you Mr. Youth Pastor! Love it.
2. On Wednesday, a group of kids (All current youth group members) will come to your house to deliver a video to your child. You are to be home, answer the door and then encourage your child to watch part, ONLY PART, of the video on that day. Oh, and then remind them to come to church for Youth on the Lawn taking place that night.**Check, Check. Again, kids coming and encouraging sounds perfect! Splendid! Hum, wait a minute. Only watch part of the video and then you are suppose to stop. (I can't even wait for Christmas and those packages are wrapped and put away. A video on the other hand can accidentally keep going. What if I am too lazy to get off the couch to push stop? What if I hit the wrong button and actually fast foward? .....WAIT?!?!? ReAlLy?!??!

3. Thursday, more video.
***Check and Double Check. Yay! I needed closure! Oops, sorry WE needed closure. It is all good. The video is about Ultimate Frisbee (Apparently something kids do these days and really does sound like a lot of fun!) and an invitation for your child to come and play. Then a scrumptious Wendy's lunch after. (Oh by the way, parents are not invited!) Super. Little Man likes being outside, likes playing games and guess what? LOVES food! So far, so good. Lovin' the Youth Group!

4. Saturday...Don't tell your child but a group of boys (Thank goodness! No girls are headed into my Little Man's room! ) will sneak into your house at an insane time (6:45 AM to be exact! No worries we were up. Mister left for McCall to run a race. Oh the joys of never getting to sleep in!) and rip your child out of bed and whisk them away. Kidnapping/Stealing/Taking, pretty much all the same words if you ask me, your child until 4 o'clock when you can go and pick them up. (Smart youth pastor!)

****Check, Check, Check and Check. Our sweet Little Man sleeping soundly, cozy in his bed. BAM!!! Boys in masks and a youth pastor, run in and wake the poor kid up and say, "Get up! We are headed to breakfast!" (Check out Jon's hand in utter confusion. He was silent. I am thinking maybe I should have them wake him up every day. I usually get a lot of whining and not a lot of movement!)

If that doesn't welcome you into a group, I really do not know what would. All in all, so very impressed. Needless to say, our boy has done something either at the church, or with the church group for the last three days and we couldn't be happier. That is a great start and a very warm welcome! Kuddo's Mr. Youth Pastor and gang! You are a breath of fresh air! Last thing to be said, Welcome to the Youth Group Little Man! Our hope and dreams are for you to grow and learn to rely on God in everything you do, all the while establishing good relationships!

We heart you to the moon and and back again.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Some news about Love Languages.

So I took a quiz! See, I can never escape school. First day out and I take a quiz! Geez.
That. Is. Sad.

Anyhoo....back to the quiz. It was about Love Languages and what Love Language speaks to you best. (Pay attention Mister!) So...I had to choose between two different statements which one I felt resembled my needs (It is about time someone asked or cared or bothered!!! Oh wait, I took the quiz. No one really wanted to know) the most. And guess what? Turns out that I am not at all like my fabulous brother and niece who share the same Love Language (Even though they both claim it is not of truth in any shape or form!) -Gifts (The need to recieve gifts. I know. I hear you. I try.) My Love Language is........

wait for it.......

here the big reveal comes......

The need for quality time.

Enough said. Come over! Let's spend some time. Apparently I need it. I really do!