Monday, August 17, 2009

A Special Little Note On Our Anniversary!

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To my Mister,
It's been 13 years today, that my life truly began! Hard to believe that it was so long ago, when it seems that we have just begun. So, in honor of our big day, I thought I would share my top thirteen.
Forever I love you because....

1) you can make me laugh always! Even when there is absolutely nothing possibly funny!
2) you helped to create the two very "bestest" children I could have ever imagined!
3) you make the most amazing grilled cheese sandwiches!
4) I always feel safe with you!
5) you like to be with me, even during the times I wouldn't want to be with myself!
6) even when I sneak a Rockstar, you just smile and encourage a better choice!
7) you support me and the kids no matter what!
8) you can keep secrets!
9) you like to snuggle, especially on rainy nights or on the beach!
10)Your a hard worker for us and even spend extra hours so that we have everything we could ever need or want.
11)we can people watch for hours and smile the whole time!
12)you politely put ketchup on foods that I burn/ruin due to lack of impatience or poor time management.
13)you asked me to marry you and be your best friend forever and smiled when I finally said YES!!!!

I Love You Forever Mister! Thanks for being my best friend and husband!

It's beginning to look a lot like...........


Oh yes my friends, it is football season! (You sillies, you seriously thought Christmas!?!?! Shame on you!!!!) The best part about Fall!!! Cool nights, great football games on TV and the opportunity to watch the little man play our favorite sport ever! Here we go......
~~~~The Boys in Blue and Orange are back and so are the Little Men in Red!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

What do you get with a little speech, then another little speech, a sweet little man, a perfect niece and a bbq?

Speech Number One:

Speech Number Two:

Sweet little man (Who is now a Nanakyu~Jr. Rank Orange Belt by the way!):

Perfectly sweet niece (Who is now a Gokyu~Jr. Rank Green Belt!):

You get......

***A little man that is the Most Inspirational of the Year and a niece that has been selected as the Best Sportsman of the Year!

Can I just add that there is nothing better in this world than having your child be recognized as an "inspiration" and your neice be awared the "Best Sportsman"? To have others recognize and share about the kids we have is nothing short of amazing! We have been so blessed!!! Not bad for one afternoon bbq!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

JuSt A fEw ThOuGhTs.....

Mister left this morning, with his suitcase in hand (AGAIN!), the kids are still sweetly, sleeping in their OWN beds, the dogs are out snoozing in the kennel and here I am taking a minute to think and smile........

We have had two people pass away in the last three weeks, celebrated my sister turning 40 with a surprise and lots of family and friends, money has been overflowing and then scarce, the summer is over and the to-do list has only three things checked off. However, when you sit and watch the sun come up, the house is paid for and quiet, I just can't help but think about all the things that are right. I thought I would write a list to help me remember. (You know on the days when you just need a simple reminder!!!)

So, today I love.........

1. ... my special man because he is a great secret keeper and holds my hand and always kisses me goodnight, goodbye and good morning! Plus he makes me smile all the time!
2. ... when my brother and his family get to come and play and spend time with us and our children!
3. ...watching my darling daughter smile sweetly when she sleeps!
4. ...having my family close and always a part of my life!!
5. ...the smell of a good rain with clouds still in the sky ready to give us more!
6. friends who listen, never judge and are always there to help me!
7. ...the way our little man thinks and smiles when he is being clever!
8. our family laughs, and laughs A LOT!!!
9. my sister is my best friend and my mom is right there too!!!
10. ...learning new things and being taught how to do them.
11. ...that I know there are people who love me a lot.
12. ...that I am a mommy! We have the best kids ever and they are way too cute!
13. job!!!
14. ...watching Mister talk to our kids and how their eyes are eager and dancing to see what he will say or do next!
15. ...being able to be a part of my neices life every day!
16. ...seeing our kids play when they think no one is watching!
17. ...watching the kids sleep with the dogs all curled up with one rubbing an ear, the other snuggled in close.
18. ...seeing how truly unbelievable my brother and sister are and the wonderful talents that they have and the beautiful families they have created!!!
19. ...receiving mail! (Snail, e or text!)
20. my life has turned out! I wouldn't change a thing!!! Who wudda thought!!?!?!??!!?

Just thought I would write some of it down. Just thought I should take some time to remember. Just thought I should think about all of the things that I absolutely love today!