Thursday, February 25, 2010

for reals.........

A new post (for those of you who have asked and care!) I am overloaded with pics, thoughts, stories and memories! System overload..... all programs crashed......or maybe just too plain busy! :) My plan to use our blog as a "memory journal" was put on the back burner! So to get my toes wet again, here is a fun little "tag". I just LoVe these! *giggles* Well, I love reading yours, so I will begin........

if I were a day of the week, I'd be Saturday!
if I were a time of day, I'd be 7 am in the morning.
if I were a direction, I'd be helpful to everyone, not just to my Mister!
if I were a tree, I'd be an old one that had tons of limbs that people could climb and had an old swing and lots of leaves that change colors every season!
if I were a tool, I'd be a cricut.
if I were a flower I'd be a daisy.
if I were a musical instrument, I'd be church bells.
if I were a color, I'd be a nice tranquil blue.
if I were a fruit, I'd be strawberries.
if I were an element, I'd be FIRE!
if I were a food, I'd be a fortune cookie.
if I were a place, I'd be the Oregon Coast.
if I were a material,I would be fleece.
if I were a scent, I'd be snowberry.
if I were an object, I'd be a radio/ipod/ or something that makes music for everyone to hear and sing to.
if I were a song, I'd be Bubbly.
Ok guys, enough about me, what else is going on in the world?
j/k! I will get back into the blogging thing! I just needed a little break! :) Thanks for caring!
oh btw, TAG, YOUR IT! 9missed you......


bobnstacy said...

I'm so glad I was sitting down when I checked your blog. What a shock to the system, you updated it!!! Very cool. Had to ask Stacy what a cricut was. That's a tool I've never heard of. Hope you had a great weekend, Love you tremendously!

J and Ris said...

How fun to see you've updated your blog! We sure miss seeing you at school. We love it over here but sure miss lots of things on that side of the state. I hope school is going good for you.

Thanks for sharing a fun post!