Monday, June 28, 2010

If you can't beat "um", join them...............

.....or maybe you would prefer...when in Rome, do as the Romain's do?!?!?! However you would like to word it, our Lil' Ms has joined Judo. I know, I know, I know. I know, exactly what you are thinking and to be honest, I have NO IDEA how it all came to be or how it started or even at this point why but she did and she seems to like it.
(One has to ask if I can spend in anymore time in an old Dojo?!?!?That is my single, most irritating question. Why must a dojo be in an old, broken, down, no heat or air conditioned building? Really!?!?! How is it possible that these people find these buildings and call them a dojo with pride? When I win the lottery, I am building the first known in our area dojo with real restrooms, state of the art training apparatuses, a place for the spectators to work out and/or sit and just enjoy learning, and here will be the best part......HEAT and AIR CONDITIONING!!! Those Sensei's won't know what to do! It will be crazy!!! It will be my fame to claim to the Judo community! Awww, I get smiles just to think of it!!)

Mister is beaming from ear to ear and all three of them throw out Japanese/Judo vocabulary at the dinner table like everyone should know what it means.

All in all, I am delighted if she is happy and secretly (Shhhh!) I am enjoying the sport. We have gone to several new dojo's this summer (Getting the Little Man ready for Junior Nationals...oh, you might not know! More about that later!!!) and I do kindof like it! I would deny it if you asked me or talked about it, but it truly isn't so bad. (I am a little hurt though that not one of my kids wants to try swimming. Sniff, sniff! Now that is what I like to think of as a sport!)

She has no desire to compete, not a problem! I hate that part! ( But we all know she will do whatever is the opposite that her mother wants so I will inform you of dates for tournaments! ) She just wants to get involved in something and recognizes the need for exercise. I do believe that it allows her to spend time with her Daddy and brother but any mother would be silly not to appreciate that for the perfect reason. So, maybe the best title should be, "You go get um Tiger!" or "The world is at your fingertips Little Lady!"


bobnstacy said...

So Deb, when are you starting Judo? Seems like it is so close to a family affair now that you take it up too! Love you,
B,S,& little G

Steve and Tammy said...

HOLY COW! How did I miss this! Way to go girly girl!