Friday, January 2, 2009

Time to HoNoR the past, but ImAgInE the future!

My mom's last day of official work is today! However, many of us know that she will probably be busier now than she ever was while she was working! Not only has my mom watched our kids almost every day while we work, she is a major part of their lives and continues to be so! All of our children think the world of her and could not ask for a better mom/Grandma! So, in honor of her retirement, here are a few things that I have learned and love about my mom:
*She is a giver and never expects anything in return.
*She loves us unconditionally and completely, no matter what!
*She never complains! Even when things have been tough, she keeps a smile and reminds us to find the positive!
*She has always worked hard and shown us what it means to give 100%!
*She is a perfect role model for me and has helped me to become the mom that I am today. Even though I mess up, she still helps to guide me into an even better mom.
*She always has time for you no matter what. Even if you just need to chat or have someone come over and help you with your laundry!
*She is my hero!
*She is the bestest Grandma around and her Grandchildren think the world of her!
*She is compassionate and kind to anyone she comes into contact with.
*She is realistic and keeps all of us focused!
*She has a smile and a laugh (However, it has been known to sound like a turkey if she really gets going! teehee!) that will fill up a room.
*She has the ability to make everyone feel special and welcome.
*She has taught us the true meaning of life and that putting our trust in God is the most important thing we can do!
*She hasn't just told us what faith is, she has actually lived it!
*Whenever life gets hard, she can model Mary Poppins in a second!
*She is quick witted and enjoys a good story and a laugh!
*She enjoys a good water fight better than anyone I know!
*She is always there when I/we need her!
These are just a few things about my mom! So, Happy Retirement Mom!! We couldn't be happier for you!! You deserve it! You are truly our hero and have shown us all a work ethic that goes beyond what is expected! Thanks for working so hard for all of us! Enjoy!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my! Words can not express what a beautiful tribute this is to your Mom. You made me cry. You are diffently a great woman/mother because of your parents. Your mom is someone very special.

Thanks for being the wonderful woman that you are Debbie.

Now I think I will go find a funny movie. These tears have to stop.

Love you!

Auna Nana

rkdines said...

Congrats to your mom! I agree with all those things you said about your mom- she is a very nice person! Someday we will get to retire too!:)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what nice things to say about me. You made me cry too, what mom wouln't. I am very blessed to have such great children and son in laws and a daughter in law. Of course my grandchildren are absolutely the best, they make me very proud and happy. Of course without really great parents, they wouldn't be what they are. I love you all very much.

Thank you
Grandma Terry

J and Ris said...

I love the picture of your kids at top! What a neat mom you have. She sounds alot like my mom! You are very lucky to have a mom like that!

Bob and Stacy said...

She is the greatest! I'm biased but as the baby in the family I can say that she is TOP NOTCH!. I hope she enjoys her retirement and is able to come visit us a lot!