Monday, November 16, 2009

Have you head of the Turkey Tango?

I taught my turkey how to Tango...
His name is Fred, he's from Durango...
He teaches his friends how to Tango...
Peter, Panda, Betty Bear..
They all think he's Fred Estare..
Even all arango, Tango!
He's suave and graceful..
He would never trip or hobble..
He's got that polish..
Like a diamond or a bobble...
He'll teach the Tango....
To San Fransisco....
New York and Albuquerque...
He won't teach to anyone...
Who is being quirky...
Just remember he is a turkey!!!
CHA, CHA, CHA....Gobble!
(Said with a little hip action and then hands straight in the air and a snap!!!)

Our sweet Lil' Bit had her 3rd grade music concert last Friday. She has been so very excited about this program and wanted everyone to be there to watch. So, we loaded everyone up and packed ourselves into a crowded gymnasium to see! It was a "Turkey Time" theme and what a bunch of turkeys we saw! No just kidding! We did hear lots of turkey songs though!
However, here is the best part or the "stuffing" you might say! Lil'Bit got to Tango with her bestest bud, Declan. Declan is the brother of Jonathan's great friend Jacob and is in Elizabeth's grade. If you have been noticing, he has been in many of our pictures lately....Hum. Even with all of the questions and red cheeks, they sure did make a cute little couple as they danced to the Turkey Tango!!!
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Anonymous said...

You got some really great shots Debbie. They were so cute dancing and did a great job. That was a fun program. Way to go Lizzy.

Love ya Grandma Terry

Armbruster's said...

Dude! Just got that song out of my head!!! UGH! :) It was adorable! How did you do that to the pictures you are the blog queen my friend