Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A sPlAsHiNg WiNtEr !?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! Hum.....

Summer can take forever to get here it seems....Please don't get me wrong, if I am not out on the boat I have no desire to see the temperature go over 75 degrees with a light wind. I am a Fall/Spring kind of girl when it comes to everyday life. But right after Christmas, our family starts getting pretty antsy and needing something to do. So after a year of pressure from the Sebrights, we decided to try out skiing, winter style!
It was "in theory" just a trial....princesses don't like to be cold....mommies (ME!) that are old, don't like to fall, (It hurts and it has been a while...a LONG while!!) Mister needs to keep paychecks coming (You know, no broken bones because he doesn't realize that he isn't a kid anymore or in the Olympics for that matter!) know all of those things that our parents use to think about and say but now we hear ourselves saying them.....
We rented the gear. (Oh my!!! Ski's have changed, coats have changed, boots have changed! Where or when did this happen?!?!?!?!) We bought the passes. (Are you kidding me!??!?!?!?!! I am pretty sure that we took out a loan for 4 night ski passes! That is just crazy!!!) We headed up the mountain. (Only two of us have gotten sick thus far! When did I start to get car sick? Oh my!) We skied. (Well, our family of four, Tammy, Teila, Aly, Jacob and Declan. Our family doesn't believe in doing anything alone!) And....

Get Ready For It.........

The Big Answer To The Question...........

WE LOVED IT! Lil'Bit thought it was amazing and Mister and her have developed a "skiing" partnership that I never thought was possible. Our Little Man, well, he is just our Little Man. The kid loves anything outside and active! Plus, the big bonus...I lived and came home with all of my bones in place AND actually enjoyed every minute of it!!!!

We are a ski family now. We open the doors to let the ski gnomes in at the cattle guard for good luck.(Thanks Smith's for the tip! We could use all the luck we can get!) We are slowly gathering the gear. (Sport Authority knows our names now and attack us as soon as we enter the door!) We have passes. (We had too! If we didn't we would end up having to refinance our house!) We have headed up the mountain almost every weekend since December. (So long for a clean house! That has gone by the way side!)

So, maybe we aren't "splashing our way through winter. Just maybe we are doing the next best thing. Tucking our way (or snow plowing for Lil'Bit!) through winter, while we anxiously await the boat! I write that, I don't believe we are waiting anymore. We have found something to definitely occupy our winters now! Great family memories and fun..not to mention...we get some exercise doing it as well!


bobnstacy said...

Man, another new post! I'm a bit jealous that you guys get to ski all the time. My last time was with Ron, who knows how long ago that was! I don't get to water ski either.....Oh well, we have the zoo....

Anonymous said...

Good skiing pictures, it is so nice to see you all of you having so much fun. Love you guys
Grandma Terry

J and Ris said...

I love to snow ski and so much more than water ski. I'm glad to hear that you guys enjoyed it! What fun memories you make with your kids! You are a great mom!! We all miss you lots!