Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Few Odds and Ends Before We Go......

Dear Mister,
How do you lose 10 pounds that fast? Really?!!?!?! HOW? That is not only not fair and wrong but completely not nice!

BTW, I am madly in love with you!

Dear Alarm Clock,
I will always hate you! No matter what time you need to wake me up! Thank you for doing your job but that is just the way it is!

Dear Washington,
Why do you have to be so far away? I miss the monkey and his parents. Could you move mountains closer?

Dear California,
Please be nice to us! We would love sun kisses but hopefully more of the tan kind than the berry red kind!

Dear Moomba and Supra,
Someday dear friends...someday! Promise! You, us, times!!!

Dear Judoka coming to the tournament,
Take it easy, will ya? You are good, but so is the little man! Watch out! Sometimes it is the nice, small kids that can be the hardest! Plus my friends, he has worked extremely hard and deserves just one good throw/ippon...or maybe two, three......

Dear Family,
We will miss you! Thanks for taking care of our four legged friends! We love you and they love you for it! We have talked about behaving.....

Dear Mickey, Shamu and Friends,
Alas, you will get to meet my loves! Can you wait? I know we can't.

Awww, a sweet picture to leave you with! These two are the best! They have Mister and my heart! Couldn't be happier with our little crazy busy life! Next time I write.....California baby!!!


Bunnell's said...

Sooo cute:) I love your post:) Such a clever gal...Miss ya pretty lady!

bobnstacy said...

I think it would be easier to just move one of our families than the mountains! Hope you guys have a great trip! We will be thinking about you guys, especially during the big tournament.

Anonymous said...

Ahh! Cute picture of the kids. Have an awesome time in Calif. And best wishes to Jon. He will do great I'm sure! :)
Hugs to you and enjoy your vacation.
