Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Where, oh where, did our little girl go?

I am a little behind. Well not a little, more like a lot! Life just keeps speeding ahead and, POOF, it's gone and we are further behind, trying to look back!!! Hours, days, months have passed by in just a blink. I remember when we had Jonathan and everyone said, "Slow down, just enjoy! Take time to just play and remember every moment." But did we? Not really. Do we? Not really! Between doctors visits, growth charts, school and parenting books, we pushed and encouraged our kids to grow/learn/do...just like we said we never would. Just like we promised everyone we wouldn't. As I write this, my blog (supposedly my attempt at a journal)is not updated, my classroom is the exact same way I left it on the last day, my house and it's contents are no where near organized and there is only 4 weeks of summer break left with the list of things we had "planned on doing" with the kids has ONE thing checked off. Coffee and get togethers have been cancelled and rescheduled more times than I care to share....
All of this got me to thinking about all the "firsts" that are over in our house. The first words, the first steps, the first time riding a bike, the first time on the potty chair, the first time coloring, the first tooth, the first tooth falling out, first time reading and the list goes on and on. Not really sad, but more a sweet remembrance and wondering how it went so fast. Then I rolled over (we were all taking a nap) and took a look at Elizabeth. How is our little girl now 8 years old! Our baby, the last of babies we are going to have, is 8 years old. Not so much a baby anymore. She is a young lady! I realize there are more firsts to come and I
can't wait. But realizing that I need to slow down, I need to play, I need to keep better track (blog, journal and/or write down the wonderful things that are happening) and really "live" in the moments that we have. Yes, the housework needs done, the laundry needs folding, bills need to be paid but I am going to try and relax and enjoy the days our family has together and write it down, type it up, or just make sure to document it so we can take a look back when we need to! We have been so blessed!
So, in an attempt to start fresh, better late than never, Happy Birthday Sweet Elizabeth! We love you so very much and are so lucky to have you! You are our princess and no matter how old are, you will always be your Daddy and my baby girl!!!
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Bunnell's said...

Hi Lady...When do you want to tile?:) I am ready. We have been vacationed out for the time being...Cute Pix!!! GREAT JOB by the way!!! Miss ya lady...


J and Ris said...

Love your picture! I haven't been on anyone's blogs for about 2 months. I've been trying hard to enjoy my own kids. I love your first blog on here and how you listed those things you want to remember. I need to do that too. My girls both got excited when I got on here and they saw a picture of you. 2 more weeks and school is back in. Hope you're ready. I'm ready for the kids to be back in school. Hope your summer has been fun and we'll see you in a few weeks.