Sunday, July 25, 2010

~ A dAy FoR sOmE wAtEr PlAy ~

Who: Teila, Alyson, Jonathan and Elizabeth. (Well, and Aunt Tammy, Mister, Grandma Terry and myself...and Aly's friend Emily).

Where: Roaring Springs Water Park (Have I mentioned before this is my ABSOLUTE favorite place to go? Nothing like spending all day in your swimsuit!!!! L----O-----V----E it!!!)

When: Saturday

Why: Because the wonderful, magnificent, awe inspiring, amazing (Do you hear the angelic notes going off around you?) Uncle Bob, Aunt Stacy and Little Greyson always bless our children with passes to our local waterpark for the their birthday.

Awww....nothing says Happy Birthday and We Love You more than free passes, (for YOUR parents to take you) on a fun filled, sun kissed, heat extreme, over crowded, day at the waterpark on your special day! All the while, we get the credit for being extremely cool!
Thanks Uncle Bob, Aunt Stacy and Little Greyson! We had a fabulous time! For real! We really did enjoy our day on you! (Well the kids did! All of the adults are now taking up second jobs to help pay for our own entry into the park!)
Please remember when we buy Greyson tickets to a nice, cold, energy driven, football game for his is because we care and love him dearly! Make sure and take pictures for us!!!!


bobnstacy said...

You know you love it! Wish we could have been there with you, but water parks aren't our thing just yet (but will be shortly when the trach comes out!).

Steve and Tammy said...

Giggle! You make me laugh! When I grow up I want to be just like you!

Anonymous said...

It was a lot of fun, I love the river. I wonder why I never get a pass from Bob and Stacy. lol

Love ya
Grandma Terry