Monday, July 19, 2010

mail call....

Dear Camp,
Thank you for taking care of my babies last week! I missed them dearly but they had a great time! They have great stories too! I am glad they are back with me though. A week is too long for this Momma!

Dear Weekend,
Where did you go and why did you go SO fast? I hate when you leave and take Mister with you! Hurry back!!!

Dear Gym,
Soon I will be back! I know I keep making excuses but my pants remind me minute to minute that it is time! How about tomorrow? You and me...and all of those people!

Dear David Ramsey,
Living your plan is like eating healthy food! It is good for us but terribly dreadful at the same time! (Goodbye green car! Please understand that it was a debt snowball decision, not you!)

Dear Mister,
As always I am here missing your face! I heart you more today than yesterday!

Dear Family,
Yesterday was fabulous! I LOVED every minute of it! Always good laughs and an occassional head smash. Love you all! How about we go again sometime soon?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting boat you have in the picture.
It is always nice to hear of your love and devotion for Ron. That is the best gift you can give to your children is to love each other.