Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's A Real Life!

Marissa "tagged" me a couple of days ago and from what I understand, I am suppose to go around my house and take pictures of certain things. I think I am not suppose to clean but I have to be honest and say that I did a little. I enjoyed taking the pictures (well, maybe not of my toilet) and my hope is that someday you will all just come and see these things and stay a while and chat! Okay, so here it goes....

1. Place you want to go: I would love to go to Australia! I have always wanted to go there and see the animals, the ocean and the country. My little brother has gotten to go so many amazing places like Africa and El Salvadore and I love to hear his stories but I am kindof a home body. I am really content being home, or at the cabin, or anywhere on the Oregon Coast! However, I have three places I would like to go, with Australia being the first, Alaska (to see the whales, dolphins, bears and moose) and Hawaii. This is a picture taken from Sydney! Isn't it beautiful? I could just picture myself there!!

2. Your Fridge: Well, if I would have taken this picture yesterday, there would have only been strawberries, old cheese and some condiments. Thankfully, I made it to the grocery store and it is looking much better. It seems that when the kids and I are home for the summer, the fridge gets emptied much quicker than during the school year!

3. Your Toilet: Again, I am not so sure why this is a needed picture and I did clean it before. I am sure sometime in life my mom has said, "If you are going to take a picture of your toilet, make sure you clean it first!". Don't you just love how you can still hear your Mom in your head! I love it! Thanks mom, that information did come in handy today!! You are the best!

4. Your Laundry Pile: I don't really have a "laundry pile". Well, some days I do when the laundry is really piled up. It is more like our laundry room. My dream is to get 4 baskets of different colors (white, blue, red, and brown) so that the kids can help me sort the laundry, instead of just throwing it on the floor and calling it good! Well, maybe not just Jon and Liz, maybe Ronie too! However, it doesn't look too bad today! I have been working on the laundry from the wedding so I am pretty much caught up. The big pile is for my neices, whom we get to play with all summer, to take home and two small piles that Jonathan and Elizabeth haven't gotten to their rooms yet. Maybe something better to see is our Boise State family room just beyond!

5. Your Sink: Here it is! I don't like much of anything on my counters. I am getting better but that goes with my sink as well. Unless I am stressed out, the dishes are usually done. I like to do them so it is really no big deal. I try to put them away in the morning while the kids are eating breakfast and then we fill it all day. As part of our nighttime routine, I start the dishwasher right before bed.

6. Your Favorite Room: I love our "dinning room". It is my favorite place when we all sit down for dinner and hear about everyone's day! It was also a favorite time for me growing up too! It has always been a place for great stories, laughing and spending quality time together. No TV, just the sounds of my kids giggling and Ronie making jokes. I am even learning to cook! Yipee! LOVE IT!!

7. My Closet: Someday it will be full of clothes! I hate shopping but some friends have promised to take me actual "Back to School Shopping". I keep telling myself if I head to the gym everyday, I will allow myself one little trip, so my students might get to see a different outfit other than the typical "Tuesday Get up". I have done good so far! Plus, I haven't had a Rockstar in over a week now! I am on a roll!!

8. What Are My Kids Doing: Well, when I started this morning, they were doing this! Teila and Aly got to spend the night so they dragged out all the sleeping bags and slept on the floor in the Great Room. We were going to pull the trampoline up closer to the house and let them sleep on it but after we got home from the Rec it was 9:45 and we were too tired! (Guess what? I went to the gym twice yesterday!!)

9. Favorite Shoes: Anyone that knows me will attest that I hate shoes! I wish we didn't have to wear them. So I can't say I have a favorite pair but if I had to choose, it would be my flip flops. These were actually cheap from Albertsons because I went to Jonathan's Judo tournament and I realized I had come without shoes! (See I hate them!!) Ron loves all of the "shoe stops" we have to make because Elizabeth and I have forgotten to grab shoes! Haha!!

10. Self Portrait: Well, I stop here! I hate taking my picture and I hate to have it taken so in no way would I take one of myself. Maybe I will surprise all of you one day and add one. There are a few on the blog of me so take a look around and you will see me!

That is it! So I get to tag others..... I say Brandi, Kristin, Colleen and Stephanie- Tag, You are it! :) Have fun!


Bob and Stacy said...

I don't think it counts if you leave one out. ;-) I agree we had some good times growing up at the dinner table. I hope you get to travel to another country sometime, it is really a great experience. Next time I do a missin trip (might be awhile) I'll make sure and invite you. I'm also trying to get to Israel but now with Greyson that might take a couple years.

J and Ris said...

i'm very jealous of your laundry room. Mine is more like a closet! Thanks hubble home;-( . It's fun to see pics like this. It gets a better idea of what people are really like! We'll have to come visit you sometime this summer. We could go to one of the pools in Nampa with you.

I Will Stand said...

OK... I have been dodging my cousins blog because of this tag. Nice job, Thanks a lot!!! And whats worse you got Kristin too? Sheeesh, she has a new baby! And her house is probably STILL cleaner then mine! :P

Grandma Terry said...

I'm proud of you that you cleaned your toilet before the pictures, however, I think I always told you to wear clean underwear with no holes when you go on a trip. I agree with Bob that you should have to complete all the pictures required to have completed the tag.

Love ya mom

Armbruster's said...

hahaha you crack me up. I am so working on it this weekend but it will be after I clean! :) Hmmmmm favorite shoes does all of them count????? I know I know it will more than likely be my Friday shoes! But I love them all how can you choose just 1 pair???? You do have an awesome laundry room my friend.