Thursday, November 13, 2008

Candy and friends, who needs more?

This year for the first time, my kids got to experience trick or treating with friends in an actual neighborhood. Jonathan went one year with the girls and Grandma Phyllis but Aunt Tammy took him to the first house and it scared the pants off of poor little Bob the Builder and he has never wanted to go again! We were invited to go around Brandi's neighborhood and decided, why not?!?!?! Actually, it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be! We walked (great exercise!) and the kids had a great time! WAY too much candy but isn't that what the holiday is all about?!??!?! So Thank You Brandi and Miranda for the invitation! Thank you Tammy, Zack, Tammy, Teila, Kenzie and Josh for going with us on our very first Trick or Treating experience! We had a blast!!! Want to make plans for next year?

1 comment:

Armbruster's said...

Hello what happen to the 4-wheeler trailer idea? We are sooo on for next year!!!! Thanks for going w/ us!