Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Yet Another Judo Tournament....

Can I just say that sports should understand and take the back burner when it is the month of December? This is a month for family, cooking, decorating, entertaining, and shopping(yuck!). I really do not have time with all of the parties and programs to fit in a Judo tournament as well. Especially since I have explained several times that tournaments make my heart and brain hurt. There is something about having your little boy, oh excuse me, man, be out on a mat all alone with another child that has every desire to throw him until he lands with a thud on the floor. I realize this is what he trains for. I go to practice to learn and appreciate the sport but nothing helps. The pain in my heart begins when he is out there all alone with no way for me to help him. (Or should I say send Ron in there to help him!) However, all of this ranting and raving does me no good! No one of the male species in this house cares and Elizabeth doesn't have the same argument. So, lets just say as the Treasure Valley tournament date was announced, I was less than thrilled. We had Ronie's work party, Teila's living Christmas tree performance and I still haven't done ANY shopping for the BIG holiday coming up..... Then to find out that it is just three kids in Jonathan's bracket to compete. That is when my lovely husband, knowing how I feel about tournaments, sweetly asks for five more dollars to have my baby boy compete in the next bracket up or play up as we call it in Judo. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!?!? Play up with kids that weigh 10-20 pounds more than Jon, play up with kids that are 11-12 years old and are getting ready to enter the world of choking during competition, play up with kids that are strutting around with green, blue and every other color of belt except my sons little yellow/orange!?!??!?!?! However, guess what? Play up he did and even though he didn't win, he learned and again he reminds me of how a true sportsman competes! We are so proud of him. The true joy comes in watching Ron's face when Jonathan does something correct and both of them have a smile of contentment. Oh yes, Judo is a great sport! (Well, now that the tournament is over!!!)
By the way, Jonathan placed 2nd in his division and Teila placed 2nd in both of her brackets. All in all, not a bad day.

1 comment:

Bob and Stacy said...

Deb you are such a softy! I think Jon is much tougher than you think. Sounds to me like he holds his own really well, regardless of the belt the other kids are wearing.