Friday, August 8, 2008

A Special Night at the Dojo!

Sensei George was finally feeling better to visit us at the dojo! It was so great to see both him and his wife Midori! They have been missed a great deal by all of us!! He has the best smile that completely warms up the room and I can honestly say they kids love him and were very excited to have him back. (As well as the parents that have the utmost respect for him and his family!) He has had some problems with his blood medication and it was very scary for a while but as you can see he is starting to do much better. Midori and George also brought their son, John, with them last night and it was fun to watch Ron and him get caught up and discuss the good ol' days. Apparently, John used to "school" Ronie out on the mat when he was younger. The two of them clearly enjoyed competing against each other and even though they were throwing each other around, both of them had a huge smile on their face. (As well as streams of yucky sweat but you probably didn't need to know that!) Luckily I had my camera so I could take a few pictures of practice and the Koyama family! I never would have thought I would enjoy watching Judo this much. I am amazed by not only the sport but all of the tradition wrapped up into it. I also have become very close to the parents involved and that makes the whole thing perfect! (Oh my!! Can you believe I just wrote that?!?! I still don't care for the kids that throw around my son though!) I know I was suppose to be taking pictures of John for Sensei George and Midori but I couldn't help but take a picture of our little Jon! He was asked to lead the cool down portion of practice and I just LOVE getting to watch him do this. (I know it is silly, but doesn't he look just perfect up there? Oh...what a proud mama I am!!!)


Anonymous said...

You should be proud. Jon is a wonderful kid. He takes after his Aunt. Ha:) I am glad you have a sport that is well rounded for the whole family. Well Elizabeth does have some fun when the families get together.

Your great parents. Keep up the good work. Love the pictures.

Auna Nana

Anonymous said...

Jon you look really good, you're awesome. Are you going to go to the olympics someday? Keep up the good work and you can do anything you set your heart on.

Love ya Grandma Terry

Anonymous said...

Ron and on look great. I havent seen Ron throw like that since Highschool. Maybe he can win a new Tro[hy???