Saturday, October 18, 2008

Does anyone understand the game of volleyball anymore?

October 16, 2008
I went to watch another game where I was completely lost! It seems to be happening a lot to us lately! A couple of weekends ago, we went to a Flag Football game and were were confused by the rules, procedures and calls. Well, that is nothing compared to Thursday's volleyball game!! Apparently, it is not in the rules anymore that the server actually has to try to get the ball over the net. If they should happen to not make it, no worries, the coach on the sidelines will throw the ball over for them. Does this cause some confusion for you, like it did for me? How in the world do you know who scored if you can have outside help? And that is not all my little friend, it is common practice now for both teams to rotate after each and every play. HUH!?!??! There were girls moving, hitting, coaches volleying the ball back into play and before I knew it, two games were over and we were the champion team!!! Unbelievable! I realize I have not done the game justice and with my lack of words given you the full description of what we saw but I do know that it was not a game of volleyball that we played when I was in school. Have I been out of school so long now that the games have completely changed? Don't games stay consistent? I don't remember ever hearing my parents say, "Well, when we were kids, the ball was twice the size and you didn't need to worry about points." Clothes and hair do's change continually but games are the rule breaker. That is how we all know how to play them. Games are one thing our parents parents taught them, they taught us and now we are here to teach our kids. Games are games and should remain untouched. Does yet another thing in life have to change? Especially something like a good game of volleyball?


Bunnell's said...

ummm ya...I am confused too:) I coached high school volleyball for years (okay only 7..I sound like I am really old...hehehe) and they never did this...Is this a new trend???? WEIRD!!!

Anonymous said...

I had never seen volleyball played like this before either. It was definately different but Aly did great and it was fun to watch her. Hopefully she will continue and it will be fun to see her play the game we are used to seeing.